Can Chiropractic Help with High Blood Pressure?

Can Chiropractic Help with High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is a fairly common condition, with the NHS estimating that 18% of adult men and 13% of adult women have elevated blood pressure. Furthermore, they state that half of the people over 75 years of age have high blood pressure. But what is high blood...
Should I consider chiropractic care for my baby?

Should I consider chiropractic care for my baby?

A lot of parents come to our clinic because they’re interested in getting care for themselves, but often they are surprised to see that we also treat children, toddlers, and newborns. When they hear and see us caring for babies and newborns, and the most common...
The Importance of Rest

The Importance of Rest

The world that we live in in so fast-paced, people run themselves ragged trying to finish all the tasks they need to do. People have a hundred things on their plates and only 24 hours in the day to accomplish them. Hustle culture glamorizes pushing hard, not sleeping,...